8 Tips to run strong forever
It appears to be a fact that our health cannot be strongly linear all our lives, more than that, responsibilities change as we step into any state of life cycle. Supersports brings you the ideas how to maintain physical and emotional health. Hence, you can trade your time for a run along the life even when you’re aging.
1. Build recovery habits
For runners who enter 40 need to reduce intensity training: train smart instead of train hard which means prioritize recovery to maintain your performance. Consume more protein for muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance. Reduce hard training into 2 – 3 times per week. Taking 40-gram protein after a training session immediately can help boost muscle strength faster. Consuming vitamin D can also reduce risk of injury and maintain your running performance.
2. Focus on strength instead of endurance
Naturally, women hormones’ will change during their 40s. Women runners may lose muscle and power, they may face muscle ache after a run because of lower estrogen and lower estrogen takes runners to more difficult muscle-strength boost. Women runners need to consume 1.4 gram more of protein after every 1-kg. of body weight. Apart from fluctuated hormones is bone density. She needs to take magnesium, vitamin K2, calcium and vitamin D3.
3. Find more to love in every mile
Women and men runners who become 50s need to see running without monitoring speed, distance, or goals. Forget about charts and focus more on meditation, breath, and joyful experience along the run.
4. Mobilize to add power
It’s unnecessary to run better but you don’t have any injury following after any run. Try to maintain the running chain: muscles, ligaments, tendons, or bone elastic enough.
5. Feed your muscles to stoke your speed
Medical magazine has a claim saying marathoners who age 60 shorten their stride 16% compared to 40-year-old marathoners. Hill running can help maintain the stride length. Consume more protein: 20 gram per meal or 1.2 – 1.6 gram per 1 kilogram bodyweight. Add more calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K and fiber for stronger bones.
6. Seek running adventures
Simple questions we ask everything: where, when, why? Change your running place, change your running time and find your why: what reasons keep you going on a run. Use your imagination to keep it interesting.
7. Embrace leadership
Most 70-year-old marathoners have agreed that going out of the house isn't as easy as it’s used to. Sharing running or training experience with younger people may be better. If grandparents look for an active activity: balancing exercise or yoga would be the best. For example, try to stand on one leg for 10 seconds before shifting to another leg.
8. Outsmart injury
Maintain exercising consistency to keep strong health. You may not need to run but lower impact activities, such as cycling, swimming, slow or fast walking.